In 2005-06, GCAT raised HK31,000 through the sale of specially produced calendars and by participating in a college fundraising dinner. In 2005-06, funds were used (1) to supply a hospital in East Timor with a laptop computer as an aid with rural health education, (2) to build the first toilet block in a remote village of lepers in south-west China, (3) to work with Habitat for Humanity building low-cost housing near Conghua in China, and (4) supporting the reconstruction of a primary school in south-east Sri Lanka affected by the 2004 tsunami. In all cases, the GCAT students performed voluntary work to undertake the manual labour needed to complete these projects.
In 2006-07, GCAT has raised almost HK$63,000 through calendar sales, seeking donations from supportive people (including the LPC Graduates Association) and through a major fundraising dinner. In 2006-07 funds were used (1) to re-paint the interiors of several houses in Ma Chan, a remote sub-alpine lepers’ village in south-west China, (2) to provide noodles and canned fish to the poverty-stricken people who survive by living on Phnom Penh’s largest garbage tip, (3) to provide teaching materials to children in the CPCDO orphanage in Cambodia, and (4) to re-plaster and re-paint part of the House of Rainbow Bridge AIDS orphanage in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Once again, the GCAT students performed voluntary work to undertake the manual labour needed to complete these projects
Some of the funds raised in 2006-07 were allocated in advance to support a new project with leprosy sufferers in two areas, the remote mountain areas of China’s Sichuan province, and the mountainous periphery of Guangdong province. In 2007-08, GCAT raised over $50,000 at a fundraising dinner to support the establishment of two much-needed medical clinics in Majiang, a very poor rural area of Guizhou province (at a total cost of $70,000, using money from other fundraising). The first clinic was finished in late 2008, and the second was completed in early 2009. Other funds were raised through sales of sets of “Beautiful China” postcards that GCAT produced.
Fundraising projects underway up to 2010 when GCAT disbanded included selling crafts made by the Sichuan leprosy sufferers, selling GCAT T-shirts and musical concerts in conjunction with other Hong Kong schools. In March 2009 GCAT held its first Fundraising Extravaganza, and raised $45,000 towards the cost of a third medical clinic in rural Guizhou. This clinic was successfully completed in Cengong County in 2010.