Stephen Codrington


Central Asia Travel Diary 2006

Well, the great trip is over.  Today has been spent catching up on sleep (me) and in-flight movies (Andy) as we have flown from Dubai to Hong Kong with a one hour transit stop in Bangkok.  The flight was great, once again with Emirates, this time on a Boeing 777-300 (registration A6-EBA).

It was a nice feeling, however, to return home to Hong Kong.  The rain began falling soon after our arrival in Hong Kong, the only rain we had seen for a month apart from the evening storm on lake Issyk-Kul in Kyrgyzstan.  The last time we had heard rain falling was on the felt roof of our yurt.  The rain in Hong Kong, on the other hand, developed into a heavy storm overnight as though all the rain was falling in one night as compensation for our clear, blue skies day after day in Central Asia.

But even the heavy rain could not wash away our happy memories of the trip – yes, a saccharine-sweet comment to conclude, but true nonetheless!

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