Stephen Codrington

Scotland and Faroe Islands Travel Diary 2023

Our time in the Faroe Islands seemed to come to an end all-too-soon.  We had a relaxed morning, lingering over breakfast and packing, and enjoying the first fog-free views we had from our hotel window since we arrived in Tórshavn.  We made the most of the sunny conditions and stopped for a short look around the town of Sandavágur on our way to the airport at Vágar.  We returned the rental car and checked in for our flight, which was with Atlantic Airways (flight RC414) in an Airbus A320neo, registration OY-RCK.  Such is the changeable weather in the Faroe Islands that by the time our plane took off at 1:30pm, conditions were grey and overcast once again.  An hour and a half later we had landed in Edinburgh and the great adventure had finished, although the many happy memories certainly remained.

01 Tórshavn.jpg

02 Tórshavn.jpg

03 Sandavágur.jpg

04 Sandavágur.jpg

05 Sandavágur.jpg

06 Sandavágur.jpg

07 Sandavágur.jpg

08 Sandavágur.jpg

09 Our plane at Vágar Airport.jpg

10 Vágar Airport.jpg

11 Sørvágsvatn - our farewell view leaving the Faroe Islands.jpg